Jamf is an enterprise device management platform that is used to manage Baylor-owned Apple devices.
Jamf is automatically installed on all Category 1 Apple devices purchased by the university. Users should not uninstall Jamf.
Support (A)
When Jamf is installed for the first time, MacOS will issue a popup alert and require you to walk through the following steps. Please complete this simple process to enable Jamf on your Apple device.
- Click "Details" on the pop-up alert message [screenshot]
- This will open a System Preferences Profiles window. Click "Allow" to allow your device to be enrolled on Baylor's Jamf platform [screenshot]
- In some cases, you may be asked to approve the Jamf MDM Profile. Simply click the "Approve..." button in the System Preference Profiles window and confirm the approval on the popup box that appears. [screenshot]
Once these steps are completed, Jamf is properly installed and authorized, enabling Baylor ITS to remotely manage your Apple device.
For additional information about Jamf, please contact HelpDesk+.