Technology Purchasing Guidelines
The following guidelines relate to purchasing network lines, end user technology devices, software, and installations. These guidelines are necessary in order to manage the total University costs including those related to software, support, and replacement. Each computer or printer network line incurs costs related to installation, upgrading, support, software licensing, Internet connection, etc.
- Replacing a computer or printer. A new computer/printer purchase is considered a replacement when an older computer or printer is returned to the Installation Services. The replacement of a computer or printer should be initiated by the departmental representative or the appropriate university designee. It does not require the approval of the Academic Dean, Vice President or their designated representatives, unless that approval is part of the School or Division’s approval process.
- Adding a computer or printer. A new computer/printer purchase is considered an additional computer or printer when an older unit is not returned to the Installation Services. The addition of a computer or printer must be initiated by the departmental representative and approved by the Academic Dean (academic departments), Vice President or their designated representatives (administrative departments).
- Redeployment of computer. To request a redeployment of an existing Level B or higher computer, please submit a request form. Files existing on the computer will not be transferred. You will be contacted by Installation Services to redeploy the device.
- Network line. A departmental representative or appropriate university designee should contact Facility Services to request installation of a new network line or HelpDesk+ for the re-activation of an unused network line. Facility Services will charge the department the cost of the line installation.
- Additional non-primary computer. Baylor provides each employee with a Category 1 (Primary Office) computer that will be replaced on a regular basis. Additional computers, e.g. computers for certain research needs or specialized job requirements, are allowed with the approval of the Academic Dean (academic departments) or Vice President or their designated representatives (administrative departments). Additional computers will fall under Categories 2 - 8 and will follow the Hardware Replacement Schedule. Review the Hardware Categories to better understand these categories.
- Additional device(s). A device, such as an iPad, smartphone, or other approved devices must be purchased through the Procurement & Payment Services department.
- Non-standard system. The purchase of any non-standard system is an exception and requires approval. After reviewing our campus technology standards, if you still want to purchase a non-standard system, complete a Request for Purchase of Non-Standard Technology form. If the request is approved, the non-standard purchase will require final approval from the departmental head or dean.
- Printer. Baylor's Technology Standards lists the current standard printers. All printers must be purchased through approved technology purchasing channels. Non-standard printers must follow the guidelines outlined in #7 above.
- Room display technologies (projectors, flat panel displays, etc.). All display purchases (projector, flat panel display, etc.) for classroom, learning space, public space and digital signage, etc., should be approved by the Academic Dean (academic departments) or Vice President or their designated representatives (administrative departments) and comply with the standards set by Baylor's Learning Spaces team.
- Externally funded purchase. Unless otherwise specified in the applicable grant or contract agreement, all computer technology purchased with external funds administered by the Office of Sponsored Programs is the property of Baylor University, and as such is subject to the Baylor computer, network, information systems, support, and disposal policies, as well as University-sponsored software agreements.
- Software. Departments should contact Technology Purchasing before purchasing any software. Baylor University has purchased site licenses and/or volume licenses for many software packages. It is possible that the software you need is already available at no additional cost. Visit the Software page on HelpDesk+ for additional information.
- Review of software agreement. All software license agreements/contracts, including online "click through" agreements, must be reviewed by ITS Information Security and the Office of General Counsel and signed by the Vice President for Information Technology before being approved for purchase.