Mobile Devices and Data Plans
Please Note: As of January 2022 all new phone purchases require two years of service before replacement. If a line is canceled or a phone needs to be replaced prior to the completion of the two year commitment, the department will be charged the outstanding balance on the phone.
Cellular devices and data plans needed for business purposes are available for purchase for faculty and staff. Most iPads are purchased with WiFi only; however, cellular service can be added if needed for business purposes. The recommended vendor is Verizon for smartphones and iPads with cellular service. iPads using WiFi only should be purchased through normal departmental processes directly from Apple. Departmental cell phones and data plans for all mobile devices are billed directly to departments.
The provision of a cell phone will be primarily for noncompensatory business reasons if there are substantial reasons relating to the employer’s business for providing the employee with a cell phone. A noncompensatory business reason is the employer’s need to contact such employee at all times for work related emergencies or for other legitimate business reasons. A cell phone simply provided to promote good will of an employee, to attract a prospective employee or as a means of furnishing additional compensation is not provided for noncompensatory business reasons.
ITS will be glad to assist you in ordering a device and setting up all cellular services needed for the device, including data plans when traveling internationally. If you have questions about services or what device to purchase, please contact ITS Cellular Services by phone at (254) 710-2811 or email at
Requesting a new or replacement mobile device or data plan requires the approval of your department or budget head. You will need the approver information before you fill out the Mobile Device Request Form below.