Beginning July 31, 2018, departments will be charged directly for cable TV service. Before proceeding to set up an account, verify funds have been identified to cover the cost of the service
Once funding is identified, contact Emily Buck at Grande Communications Waco at 254-235-0072
When setting up an account, be prepared to provide the following information:
Name of building and room number for the service
Permanent address for billing purposes
Phone number associated with the account
Pick up the DTA (converter box) from Grande Communications located at 7200 Imperial Drive, Waco, 76712
Grande will provide the following:
Assistance with setting a Personal Identification Number (PIN)
DTA (converter box) with remote. The department is responsible for returning the converter box and remote upon termination of service.
Call Grande at 254-235-4600 and ask for the residential support center.
Provide the following information:
Phone number associated with the account
Name of building and room number
Personal Identification Number (PIN)
If it is determined to be a problem with the wiring, Grande will notify ITS, who will set up an appointment with the faculty member or director to make the repairs.