Authorized Event Manager Instructions
If there is a small or large group of guests coming to Baylor, authorized event managers can pre-register them on the BU-GUEST wireless network. If you are not an authorized event manager, please contact the HelpDesk+ at (254) 710-4357 (HELP) for additional assistance. Please Note: Authorized event managers should test the credentials generated by the BU-GUEST wireless system prior to issuing them to guests to ensure they are working properly.
To start, visit and log in using your Bear ID and password (Note: You must be on a campus network or connected using VPN to access the sponsorship site).
Small Group
If you have a small group, complete a Single User form for each guest. Check Generate Password to allow the system to create a unique, secure password for each person. Also, be certain the Expires Time field is set to beyond the duration of your event. Select Pre-Register User to submit each form. You can either print the user’s credentials when they appear or copy them and place them in another document. Select the Pre-Registration Portal tab to enter the next guest.
Large Group
If your group is large, download a copy of the CSV Template using the link in the Multiple Users section. Open the CSV file using Microsoft Excel and follow the detailed instructions to ensure the information about your group is properly entered. When all of the information is entered, save the CSV file and then upload it by selecting the Choose File... button. Before you select Upload, be sure the Generate Passwords check box is selected and choose Wireless-Guest from the Password Repository drop-down menu. You can either print the BU-GUEST credentials for your group or use your device’s print settings to save the credentials as a PDF file.
If a member of your group experiences issues with their access to BU-GUEST, please contact the HelpDesk+ at (254) 710-4357 during business hours.