Box is a collaboration platform available on the web and mobile platforms through the Box app. Use Box to share, edit, annotate and comment on a variety of different file types. Native integration with Microsoft 365 files makes opening and editing simple on all platforms. You also build checklists and assign tasks using Box.
Training Session Videos
In November 2024, Box hosted two training sessions for the Baylor community to help us learn how to navigate Box and build an environment that promotes collegial collaboration. During the session, we discovered tools that eliminate the need for email attachments, allow us to collaborate with people outside the firewall, and make it easy for us to access content on the go. Review the video from these sessions to see that Box is a fast, mobile, collaboration tool.
November 13 Session November 19 Session
Box is available for use by all Baylor faculty, staff and students. Use the button below to route to the site.
Privacy Policy
Accessibility Information (VPAT)
Support (B)
For assistance with Box, contact HelpDesk+ or reference one of the most commonly asked questions below. For a Getting Started Guide, the latest updates on Box, and to engage with the Box Community, visit the Box Support page.